Sally has worked primarily at the “coal face” in the health/fitness industry for over 45 years. She has gained extensive knowledge, skills and experience working in hospitals and rehabilitation centres in England and Australia; in a major sports medicine clinic in Sydney working with older adults (land and water); as Osteoporosis and Senior Services Manager for the Arthritis Foundation and as Physical Activity coordinator for Northern Sydney Health Promotion. Sally now has a private business “Movement  Matters” undertaking general fitness classes, classes for CALD  groups, for the frailer aged and specific classes on health-related issues.  Over the years she has undertaken numerous ‘face to face’ training workshops for fitness leaders and allied health professionals wanting to work with the older adult. She has also worked on 9 research projects involving the planning and implementation of exercise programs related mainly to the aging population involving issues such as community exercise programming, 5 relating falls prevention issues, depression and strength training. Her passion is to assist and support others to remain safe, active and function as well as possible for a long as possible. These online training programs are the next step toward reaching more people wanting to gain the knowledge and understand the issues relating to the health and fitness needs of older adults.

Sally’s overall take-home message is that exercise is possible & necessary for all ages and abilities.

Sally Castell

Sally Castell

Instructor for Movement Matters

Movement Matters has been in existence since 1997 under the direction of owner and manager Sally Castell. Sally has physiotherapy, recreational therapy, health promotion and community education background and is a registered fitness leader. She has over 40 years of experience in the health/fitness industry having worked work in hospitals, rehabilitation centres, sports clinics, community facilities and retirement centres. Sally is now focusing her expertise and energy to provide support to the older adult with a variety of appropriate exercise programs and resources to suit individual needs and abilities.